Thursday, November 4, 2010


Whew.  What a process!  On Friday I stayed after class to finish the left side of my face for the mosaic and caught the 11:20 shuttle.  I'm glad I stayed, and finished then.  I'm not sure I'd have quite the patience to do it all again. However, the second time around would probably be easier.  The final product was really cool and once I was done I really appreiciated all of the work I did to get there.
Here are some pictures as I went along.....

ta da! Looking back, I wish I would have done my whole face!  I did do my right eyebrow and my whole mouth, but it would have looked really cool if I had finished the whole thing...maybe I'll invert a picture to see what it would look like.. (even though I know my face isn't symmetrical.)

Something like that!

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