Saturday, September 18, 2010

Clowns, Clowns, Clowns!

So on Wednesday I didn't have my black and white picture with me, so I used Andy's as a substitute. On Thursday night I re-did what we did in class with my own picture. It was interesting to see the difference in my design after I had painted it on my face using Andy's picture and then my own.  Here's a picture of those two (left side only):

The top was with Andy's picture and the bottom was with mine. (Don't mind the bottom, I look like a crazy woman with those fly aways!)

I had a lot of fun in class on Friday.  I was anxious to cover my entire face to see my whole design. Here are some pictures:

The left is before I added color and the right is the final.  ...Now here are some of my favorites!  These next few are after we added to our design....

As you can see, I had way too much fun taking pictures! I can't wait for what's next!

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